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Media Attaché

The Goals of the Media Attaché

The Tasks of the Media Attaché

• Introducing the bright face of Yemen -lecture and civilization -.

• Enhancing respect for the external public opinion of our country's culture and people.

• Marketing the customs and values that are distinguished by our people.

• Introducing the achievements of our people in the fields of culture, science, knowledge and arts.

• Providing researchers and scholars.

• The state of accreditation with information about Yemen and its development.

• Establishing relations with various media institutions in the country of accreditation and providing them continuously with newspapers, magazines, patrols and sites on the Internet, posters and information.

• The continuous follow -up of what the foreign media writes and broadcasts regarding the Yemeni affairs, analyzing and correcting it in the event of its differences in the reality of information, images and numbers with the interior with continuous reports on that.

• Holding mobile artistic and cultural exhibitions that reflect the cultural and civilizational level of Yemen.

• Activating, activating and updating the media agreements signed between Yemen with the countries of accreditation that would facilitate the work of the media attaché.

Political Goals:

a) Clarify our country's internal and external policy and explain any ambiguity or ambiguity. And address the propaganda and distortion campaigns launched by the enemies of Yemen.

b) End the advocacy of public opinion of the path of our country's political, democratic, economic and cultural path.

c) Defining the national achievements represented by the political leadership and its initiatives regionally, Arably and internationally.

d) Promoting the achievements of our country in the fields of human rights.


• Establishing lectures at the core of the specified goals.

• Show introductory and tourism films, the recipient looks at the civilization of Yemen and its tourist scenes.

• Issuing publications (newspapers- magazines- bulletins- brochures- stickers) that provides a picture of Yemen in a number of areas.


Counselor \ Talal Jamal

Phone: +90 535 088 6058
