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Yemen Turkey Relations

Relations with turkey

Relations between Yemen and Turkey span centuries, and the two countries enjoy strong historical and cultural ties

years of solid relationships
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Relations between Yemen and Turkey extend for centuries, and the two countries enjoy strong historical and cultural ties, whether under the Ottoman Empire or after the establishment of the Republic of Yemen.

The visit of Turkish Prime Minister Turgut Ozal to Yemen in 1986 marked the beginning of the development of relations between the two countries. During the visit, the project to rebuild the "Ma'rib Dam" was inaugurated, which was implemented by the Turkish "Doğush" company, funded by the United Arab Emirates.

That visit opened the way for the development of relations between Yemen and Turkey, which culminated in the establishment of the first Turkish embassy in Sana'a in 1988, to continue bilateral visits between the two countries and the conclusion of many cooperation agreements in various fields such as health, education, trade, economy and others.

Turkey and Yemen are linked by solid historical and cultural ties, as they have strong relations, whether in the past under the shadow of the Ottoman Empire or after the advent of the Republic of Yemen. In the year 2002, relations between Yemen and Turkey entered a more dynamic and effective stage, as the then Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, visited the capital, Sana'a, at the head of a delegation that included 150 Turkish businessmen. During the visit, many agreements and memorandums of understanding were signed between the two parties in Economic, commercial, cultural and military fields.

Relations between Yemen and Turkey continued to develop significantly, as former President Abdullah Gul conducted the first visit of a Turkish president to Yemen in 2011, during which 10 agreements were signed, including the agreement establishing the "Turkish-Yemeni Business Council" by the Turkish Foreign Economic Relations Authority. And the Federation of Yemeni Chambers of Commerce and Industry, to be followed in November 2012 by the meeting of the Joint Economic Committee in Sana’a.

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Economic and political relations

The development of economic relations was reflected positively in the growth of trade exchange between the two countries, as Turkish products of all kinds spread in the Yemeni markets to compete with Chinese products, the most important of which are iron and steel products, land transportation means, spare parts, medicines, grains, foodstuffs, cement, shoes, carpets, and others.

In turn, Turkey supports peace, stability and territorial integrity of Yemen, and makes unremitting efforts in all forums in this regard. Turkey provides support to the legitimate Yemeni government and defends the need to reach a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis within the framework of UN Security Council Resolution No. 2216 (2015) and the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and the Gulf initiative, which are solid determinants in this regard.

Turkey also supports the efforts made by the United Nations with the aim of reaching a political solution, and monitors the political track closely by joining the Group of Nineteen, which is considered a consultation mechanism concerned with the efforts made by the United Nations, and includes in its membership 17 countries, the European Union and representatives of the Gulf Cooperation Council. accredited in Yemen.
